Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Current Event 10/5/09

Along the Cotes-d'Armor, there has reportedly been an influx of deadly green algae. This algae is suspected to be the cause of death of a thoroughbred horse and may be related to the death of a beach worker. En ete, l'algues fait une odeur forte a la plage. Beaucoup de gens ferment ses fenetres a la maison. There has been more than a decade of allegations of illnesses, comas, and death surrounding this phenomenon. The huge amounts of algae release great amounts of deadly hydrogen-sulphide into the air. Until this gets straightened up, locals will have to manage as well as they can with the stench.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Current Event 9/25/09

Yesterday, on September 24th, Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin publicly decided to take legal action against French President Nicholas Sarkozy. Sarkozy made a statement that was broadcast Wednesday night implying that de Villepin was guilty for the charges made against him. De Villepin was charged with slander and forgery after he allegedly took part in them during the 2007 Presidential Election. Of course, President Sarkozy cannot be accused of anything until he is out of office, due to the immunity French presidents have while in office. Until a verdict is reached in de Villepin's case, he will be considered innocent until proven guilty.

Link: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125380113345937723.html

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Quel j'aime faire...

J'aime faire une promenade au printemps. En weekends, j'adore aller a des boums et ecouter de la musique rock. Lundi, Mercredi, Jeudi, et Vendredi j'aime danser. Je n'aime pas toujours etudier ou faire mes devoirs. Aussi, je n'aime pas jouer au foot et je n'aime pas faire de l'equitation.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Je m'appelle Kristen Duda. J'ai quinze ans et je suis de Lansdale. J'etudie a Mount Saint Joseph Academy. J'aime les maths. Je suis blonde et grande. J'ai une intelligente mere, un amusant pere, et une heureuse soeur. Je suis intelligente, amusante, et gentille. Je danse bien souvent. J'adore aller aux maisons de copines. Aussi, je suis juste et polie.